Calcaterra Law Welcomes Law Clerk - Chelsea Hill!

Alex Trebek (Host) and Chelsea Hill (Contestant on Jeopardy! in 2019).
Today’s spotlight shines on Chelsea Hill! Chelsea Hill is a third-year student at Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law. She joined our team earlier this year as part of our 3L Spring Clerkship Program. Chelsea has been a rockstar ever since and we are honored to have her as part of our fabulous and hard-working team.
Pictured above is Chelsea alongside the late great Alex Trebek on the legendary television game show, Jeopardy! Below Chelsea shares a glimpse of what it is like working at our firm.
Thank you for all your great work, Chelsea!

Calcaterra Law PC: How has your experience been at our firm thus far?
Chelsea: I have really enjoyed my time clerking with Calcaterra Law this spring! The attorneys and staff have all been SO welcoming and helpful, and make such an effort to make us law clerks feel valued and included. I especially appreciate that the firm makes an effort to assign me to projects based on my legal interests, and also just the variety of work I have gotten to do. I have learned so much already about litigation and what it looks like to actually practice law, I am looking forward to the rest of the semester!!